This site provides a list of resources we have created and use. We make these resources available for your use, but strictly for non-profit purposes. Some resources are available in additional languages.
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A chronological study of the kings and prophets of divided Judah and Israel.
God brings out his good despite all of man's chaos. You might be hoping for this to be true in your life and for your family. Even in the darkest times, God is The God of all hope. This truth becomes clear in this chronological study which encompasses all or portions of 15 "books" in our Bible, covering 36 kings, 10 prophets who have their own "books" in the Bible, and other prophets whose words and actions are included in the histories of Kings and Chronicles. …
Click to preview Part 3 from front cover through first lesson.
Old Testament Studies
This study covers the first 22 chapters of Genesis in 21 lessons. The lessons are in small group (or one-on-one) format with observation, interpretation, application, and discussion questions. This study is good for those who have never read the Bible and also for those who have been Christians for many years. It presents the character of God and brings in New Testament understanding from the very first lesson.
mobilefriendly 2023, USA 3rd Edition. Creation Through Christ.
Genesis 1-22, Leader's Guide for Third edition
This is a resource for people leading others through Creation Through Christ — Genesis 1-22. In addition to the lesson questions, this guide includes typical answers, additional explanations and background commentary, teaching hints and resources, and the author's personal stories and illustrations.
This study covers most of Exodus (with the exception of the chapters on building the tabernacle). The lessons are in small group (or one-on-one) format with observation and interpretation/application questions.
Exodus, Revised Edition
The USA Revised Edition is an updated and expanded study. It includes 24 lessons, with the final lesson titled, "Numbers: The Rest of the Story."
What God revealed in Leviticus is still truth today. This study covers all of Leviticus, chapter by chapter, revealing the fulfillment of the Old Testament Law in Jesus Christ. Each study session includes personal application questions.
Finding Christ in Leviticus, 2024 Edition
The 2024 edition is divided into 12 lessons. Each lession is subdivided into several study sessions.
This study follows the life and times of David in 1 and 2 Samuel and pertinent Psalms. You begin with a geographical and historical background and finish with David's plans for building the temple. This study is fairly in-depth, with a sequence of 41 lessons. As always, each lesson concludes with personal application questions.
This study follows the life and writings of David's successor, his son King Solomon. It encompasses pertinent sections in Samuel, Kings and Chronicles, and includes Solomon's writings of Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. This study has a sequence of 19 lessons. As always, each lesson concludes with personal application questions.
A chronological study of the kings and prophets of divided Judah and Israel.
God brings out his good despite all of man's chaos. You might be hoping for this to be true in your life and for your family. Even in the darkest times, God is The God of all hope. This truth becomes clear in this chronological study which encompasses all or portions of 15 "books" in our Bible, covering 36 kings, 10 prophets who have their own "books" in the Bible, and other prophets whose words and actions are included in the histories of Kings and Chronicles.
The historical setting is after King David and his son King Solomon die, when the kingdom divides into what was called Israel in the north (10 tribes) and Judah in the south (comprised of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin). After about 345 years both kingdoms had been conquered. People were forcibly removed from their homes and carried into exile. This study's coverage includes some of the prophecy applicable for the future of those in exile and beyond.
God reveals over generations that humans always fail – even the best. Actions have consequences! At the end of the day, season, and life, the only thing that matters is God's opinion, not man's. God reveals that we need outside help – not a human ruler or king, but a divine one who truly knows us and faithfully does what is right.
What might you get in working through this study?
A panorama of the times of the kings and how the books of many Old Testament prophets fit within this chronologically.
An understanding from extrabiblical sources of what was occurring in surrounding regions of the world during this period.
A greater ability to read the New Testament (especially the Gospels) and understand the Old Testament references.
A deeper understanding of why it was necessary for Christ to come.
This is an in-depth, three-volume study comprised of 105 lessons with supporting material. Expect one to three days with personal study time per lesson. Working at a rate of two to three study days per week, expect to be engaged for 18–24 months.
"I came away with a greater love for God and his incarnate son, Jesus. God is everything I thought he was and so much more!"
A House Divided — A Tale of Two Kingdoms, PART 1 of 3
Part 1 covers the first 25 kings, a synopsis of Hebrew poetry, and the prophets Elijah, Elisha, Obadiah, Jonah and Amos.
Click to preview Part 1 from front cover through first lesson.
A House Divided — A Tale of Two Kingdoms, PART 2 of 3
Part 2 covers the final king of Israel and three kings of Judah. This is also the period of the prophets Isaiah (coverage for chapters 1–35) and Hosea.
Click to preview Part 3 from front cover through first lesson.
This study rearranges the book of Jeremiah into chronological order. Homework is required to complete the 13 lessons. It also includes personal application questions.
The following individual studies can be done individually or in a small group. Several are written as one single lesson, but may be spread out over two weeks to facilitate adequate discussion and application.
Hosea – The Breadth and Length and Height and Depth of God’s Love
This study covers Hosea in 10 lessons with 49 pages. It works well for individual study or in a small group. Each lesson progresses through a section of the book and also includes personal application questions.
This material is also included in our chronological study of the kings and prophets of divided Judah and Israel: A House Divided — A Tale of Two Kingdoms, Part 2, Lessons 49–58.
This study can be done individually or in a small group. It is a compact, 2-page lesson that can be done in one session or spread out over 2 weeks if preferred.
This study covers Amos in 7 lessons with 27 pages. It works well for individual study or in a small group. Each lesson progresses through a section of the book and also includes personal application questions.
This study is one lesson with 6-1/2 pages. The content consists of an introduction, guided questions for observation, interpretation, and application, and then some supplemental history. It works well for individual study or in a small group. Plan for about 2+ hours of focused time.
Jonah – Witness of God's Grace (to be followed by Nahum)
This study can be done individually or in a small group. It is a compact, 3-page lesson that can be done in one session or spread out over two weeks if preferred. It is structured with questions for observation and understanding, with the final page focused on personal application.
This study can be done individually or in a small group. The length is 24 pages over three lessons. When done in a group setting, plan for 3–4 sessions if participants will engage with homework and perhaps 6–7 sessions without homework.
This material is also included in our chronological study of the kings and prophets of divided Judah and Israel: A House Divided — A Tale of Two Kingdoms, Part 3, Lessons 75–77.
This study can be done individually or in a small group. It is a compact, 3-page lesson that can be done in one session or spread out over two weeks if preferred.
This expanded study can be done individually or in a small group. The length is 14 pages over three lessons. When done in a group setting, plan for 3–4 sessions if participants will engage with homework and perhaps 6–7 sessions without homework.
This material is also included in our chronological study of the kings and prophets of divided Judah and Israel: A House Divided — A Tale of Two Kingdoms, Part 3, Lessons 83–85.
Habakkuk — First Edition available in two languages
This study can be done individually or in a small group. It is a 4-page, single-lesson study that can be done in one longer session, but perhaps over two sessions when done with a group. It is structured with questions for observation and understanding, with the final page focused on personal application.
This study can be done individually or in a small group. The length is 12 pages over two lessons. When done in a group setting, plan for 2–3 sessions if participants will engage with homework and perhaps 4–5 sessions without homework.
This material is also included in our chronological study of the kings and prophets of divided Judah and Israel: A House Divided — A Tale of Two Kingdoms, Part 3, Lessons 81–82.
This is a 4-page, single-lesson study suitable for individuals and small groups. The first two pages provide pertinent context and background information. The last two pages consist of observation prompts and questions then personal application questions. If planned well, the material can be covered in one group session.
This series is our updated and revised edition of the study of the life of Jesus harmonized chronologically across Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It includes graphics, timelines, and additional study aids. The lessons are in small group (or one-on-one) format with observation, interpretation, and application questions.
Life of Jesus, First Edition available in two languages
This is our First Edition version covering the life of Jesus in four parts. Each part is harmonized chronologically across Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The lessons are in small group (or one-on-one) format with observation, interpretation, and application questions.
Use this edition if you need matching format and coverage for both languages.
This study covers Acts in 23 lessons. The lessons are in small group (or one-on-one) format with observation, interpretation, and application questions.
This study covers Romans in 18 lessons. The lessons are in small group (or one-on-one) format with observation, interpretation, and application questions.
This study covers First Corinthians in 19 lessons. The lessons are in small group (or one-on-one) format with observation, interpretation, and application questions.
This 8 week study is written in precept format with homework required. It begins with a look at the author, recipients, key words, and then chapter studies. Each week includes one or more sets of application questions.
Finishing the race. This is an nine-part study of 2 Timothy. The format is good for individual, one-on-one or group study. It includes observation, interpretation, and application questions.
This study covers the book of Hebrews in 27 lessons. It is written in small group (or one-on-one) format. Most of the other scripture references outside of Hebrews are written into the study so that time is not spent locating these references in the Bible.
This is an 10 lesson study in small group or one-on-one format. It begins with an overview of Peter himself, then a look at the recipients and historical setting.
This 13-part study will work well in small group or one-on-one format. It includes an overview of John as a person and an in-depth study of his three short letters.
Click to preview study from front cover through first lesson.
Good News – Priecīgā Ziņa
Sunday gospel readings in the chronological sequence of the life of Jesus. These 54 lessons are for small groups and personal study. The weekly Scripture passage is offered with observation, consideration, and application questions. The lessons offered do not require prior knowledge of the Bible.
These small group or one-on-one lessons follow the Orthodox Church calendar readings. The weekly Sunday gospel passage is used with observation, interpretation, and application questions. The lessons are intended as evangelistic and assume no prior knowledge of the Bible.